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The Real dirty thirty

I don’t think anyone was more excited to leave their twenties more than me. I started planning my “turn up” seven months prior to my actual birthday. I was READY. My twenties had been a decade of trial & error, making mistakes, learning about friendships and relationships, losing friends I thought I’d have forever, and gaining friends I will have forever. It was a decade of growth; and I was ready to enter my thirties with the new knowledge I’d gained.

As the months grew near, something came over me. Each day passed, and I became more and more sad. At first I could not figure out why. I began to sit…day after day. I stopped working out. I stopped going out. I didn’t want to get dressed, and I soon realized I was sinking into depression.

My family life was PERFECT! I had two beautiful kids, and a dope ass husband. I had great friends who were making great strides in their lives…But I was unfulfilled.

The months continued to pass, and I realized that up until this point I had not been successful in the career area and it was tearing me apart. I became very uninterested in my business that I’d started years prior because I wasn’t receiving the outcome I wanted. I was miserable.

It was during this time when I was completely annoyed with social media and the idea that a woman has to be butt-ass naked to get attention or have a million followers that I began to sit down and journal about the type of women who were “poppin” in my eyes and the woman I wanted to become, when the idea of HER came about. Funny thing is, I’d mentioned the idea of highlighting HER to previous partners, but no one was ever interested. But it was at this point that I decided I was going to create a platform where women are highlighted for simply being everyday, dope ass women. I wanted to talk about women who have gone through a journey and have a story to tell. And more importantly, I had to become that woman myself. NO MORE EXCUSES.

I dived back into my business. This time not caring what others thought. As a matter of fact, I stopped talking about my ideas completely. I needed this time to learn to trust my own dopeness.  I started doing things that I enjoy doing. I began to read…EVERYTHING.  I wrote down my goals and made sure I visited them daily. And most importantly, I began to wake up everyday and express gratitude for just being able to be here another day!

So here we are…six months into my thirties and I feel like I’m in the best space I’ve been my entire adulthood! I’m nowhere near where I want to be, but I wake up everyday fighting to become HER.

Everybody’s path is different. Focus on what success means to you. Write that shit down and watch how real it gets!


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